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Jan 15, 2019

Craig is on with Jim Polito discussing the lie-detecting eye scanner and the new Huawei scandal involving its CFO.

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“Blade Runner” Eye-Scanning Lie Detector May Be Coming To A Dystopian Future Near You
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Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.

Airing date: 01/15/2019

Lie Detecting Eye Scanner - Huawei And China First Strike Military

Craig Peterson: 0:00

Hey, good morning, Craig Peterson here. Got my little robot running in the background, cleaning the floors. These things are great if you don't have one of these. I have a Roomba. One of their newer models that I got on sale. It was a beta winners and alpha testing, actually. So I love these things. Anyhow, this morning, I was on with Jim Polito, and we talked about a couple of different things. We talked about Huawei and their impact. We also talked about this Blade Runner style I scanning a lie detector. Is that something that's coming our way? Should we be worried about it. And we've been doing a lot of work here on the DIY security for business. So keep your eye out for those videos. And those courses. We're going to be doing some coaching and consulting and everything. This is going to be something out, never done this before. So you're going to get a great deal on that is as well as the free training that comes as part of that live. So anyways, here we go with Mr. Polito Have a great day. Everybody

Unknown 1:03
sees everybody's favorite genius. And he's here now our good friend and Tech Talk guru. Craig Peterson. Good morning, sir.

Unknown 1:13
Good morning. I'm not sure I like being back from Naples, Florida. You're a little cool. Oh. Amy.

Unknown 1:21
Danny Do I still have Here it is.

Unknown 1:25
Everybody for Craig Peterson is back from Naples, Florida. Oh, how he's. We suffered. Craig, come on. Canadian. Canadian. You're supposed to be able to

Unknown 1:44
forget it. I don't even want to get into it.

Unknown 1:47
The weather? Yeah, it won't. It was 89 when I laughed driving because we went and visited a couple of people work for me down there. My daughter at nine next morning. Got up. It was 69 next morning. We get up it was 49 as we continue to go further north and then and then it was 29 and now Yo, single digit Yeah. Talk to the Chamber of Commerce and get this taken care of.

Unknown 2:14
Yeah, this weather What did we get right outside here? Well, we got 23 now but you're up you're up farther north. So anyway, Craig's again I'll

Unknown 2:28
I'll keep playing and if you do it oh keep doing my cousin's down in Naples right now for the season so really like to be in Naples all right here and if you know what if you want to be able to tell if I'm telling the truth about I want to be in Naples right now you could I think it's fair to say yeah, Jim's telling the truth about that now what if you thought I was lying about that there's a new type of technology available that will scan my eyes hey I was a big fan of the movie Blade Runner which was a great Harrison Ford movie I never saw the remake but the original Blade Runner you telling me that they're soon going to have the technology to be able to tell if I'm lying just by my eyes

Unknown 3:25
well it looks that way are it is on its way. You know we've had a number of technologies over the years to try and get people telling lies you've probably seen in the back of magazines I remember this as a kid you know right next to the X ray glasses

Unknown 3:44
little miss a little thing that you could use to listen to people's voices and felt they were lying to you and that technology's been around for a while so you can take a voice sample and do some serious analysis on it and often Cal someone's got the stress markers right that's what they're looking for typically is a stress markers and everybody knows what a polygraph is. We've seen them all over TV and the movies for years right and the whole idea in fact Penn and Teller did wonders their famous TV shows about polygraphs and how inaccurate they were and all it's doing is just measuring your heartbeat and your and your skin conductivity. Right

Unknown 4:32
It's ga stanza said it's only a lie. If you believe it's a lie.

Unknown 4:39
He is right from

Unknown 4:42
if you're a very good liar, you can beat the poly

Unknown 4:46
well how often do you think people do that? How frequently do you think professional polygraph die or

Unknown 4:54
get it right

Unknown 4:55
now that i don't know i don't know so mean I do know that it is still inadmissible in court which means that judges have said okay that's fine but we're not going you can use that as an investigative tool law enforcement but we're not going to use it as evidence so I can't be that high

Unknown 5:19
yeah human operators of course are interpreting what they see based on the questions that are being asked and and which up 62 maybe as much as 75% accurate at the absolute past the polygraph so this is new technology kind of like absolutely what what they were using and in Blade Runner and I did see the second movie and I did like it It wasn't the same It was definitely a little different universe so yeah I don't know you missed a lot there but that Blade Runner saying where they hook it up and they look in your eyes This is called IV patch This is a new company it was bark back I should say by Mark Cuban and they've been around now for four or five years so quite a while this wasn't

Unknown 6:11
this wasn't on Shark Tank was it

Unknown 6:13
No I don't think you'll realize I think this is one of his independence of fun that he did oh

Unknown 6:20
I'm just joking

Unknown 6:23
I want to 25% of the company $400,000

Unknown 6:27
Yeah exactly. Well he might have done that anyways I don't know maybe he gives us on Shark Tank be super watching you never know right yeah um. But it is a next generation lie detector but bottom line justice to scams as said yeah this is really the same old polygraph now.

Unknown 6:48
She's so please who are saying that it is better. They're claiming an accuracy rate of 86%. Okay. That give or take 10 to 20% better than the Polycom graph

Unknown 7:02
is a while back. Yes. And kill if you don't think you're lying. Not really ever show anything. So it's, it's basically

Unknown 7:09
looking for the same markers, right? It's looking to see

Unknown 7:17
it's looking to see if it's if it's really, really working. I mean, if you really, really stressed out

Unknown 7:25
yeah, if you think you're lying, because your eyes going to construct or dilate based on whether you think you're lying. Whether you are feeling uncomfortable. Now they're claiming they've got 500 customers and 40 countries, there are people who are deploying it. And I got this great quote from University Minnesota Professor professor there, no science and psychology saying, it's astounding to me that they're paying customers deploying this technology and actually screening people with that. So expect it to be in the test. They like that we

Unknown 8:03
have a problem with it. If you are an as an investigative tool for police. And if and if a suspect wants to submit to it. Like if I if I had a loved one missing and they wanted to make sure I didn't have anything to do with it. I'd say give me the poly Give me the whatever the test is, so that you'll stop looking at me and you'll start looking for my loved one. But I wouldn't I certainly wouldn't submit to it for other reasons. And yeah, I in court, I wouldn't want that. So okay. Literally a little simpler deployment of the technology. But the same idea looking for stress. Now speaking of stress, and we're talking with Craig Peterson. And in the short time we have left, we got another important topic, but I want to remind you at the end of the segment, we're going to give you an 800 number. He text My name to it, Jim and Craig will send you the information we discuss today. Plus a whole bunch of other stuff. And he'll keep you abreast of everything important that's going on in technology. Who Wait, am I pronouncing the name of the Chinese company properly? Huawei? Wow. Wow. is a company a massive telecom company in China. And they are I'm concerned about them, because I'm afraid that because there is no line between Corporation in the state in China that if I'm using Say it again. Well, why why why? Why always technology the state is China is going to be listening in.

Unknown 9:50
Yeah, you got some real good concerns there. And one of the problems we have in the US is, guess what our phones are using much of our backbone for our telephony networks. And even some of our data network is provided by Huawei. So we have some evidence that Huawei has been breaking sanctions with Iran and hence the arrest in Canada of their CFO when she was changing planes over in Vancouver. I understand that was just yet another arrest of Huawei executive. I think he was in South Korea, I'm trying to remember but but they China's largest telecom company is really because of the technology they happen to us. They can monitor the electronic communications of anyone using one way technology and apparently some people have found that happening Yeah, and one way is now illegal to use for illegal the rules have been changed cannot be sold on in the military bases turn up to us by our government, at least not directly.

Unknown 11:06
Yeah, see, this is I get it. We were just talking about company in Western Mass, that's Chinese. And it's great. They're they're bringing great jobs to the region. They build rail cars and these cars are going to be used I believe on the orange line in Boston on the T great jobs manufacturing Chinese company but people are sounding the alarm and say, wait a minute, these just aren't rail cars they have electronic technology within them what is our guarantee that there's not some backdoor in there that somebody in China can throw a switch but click a mouse and shut down that train and and it's that's why I wanted to bring this up that you were talking about about this you know, that's a small example how about a massive telecom company whose technology is in just about everything over here? Yeah,

Unknown 12:00
yeah, exactly. And while we set to overtake apple and the iPhone and the smartphone market here in the US and worldwide it's a real concern it's a very big concern we got to remember just as you said this the People's Liberation Army Communist China you know, it's you're talking about PC politically correct earlier today. And believe me, they are communists, this is Red China read used to mean communist, right? Yeah. And then they change the terminology on us and they are not our friends. China's current philosophy is to use technology as a first strike attack. It's true their enemies.

Unknown 12:41
That's true,

Unknown 12:43
Craig, we're up against the clock here. So folks, if you have a text My name to this number 855-385-5553, that's 855-385-5553

Unknown 13:00

Standard data and text rates apply. But you'll get on Craig's list and you want to be on his list because he will provide you with this information. Plus, if there's ever a massive hacker a crisis you'll get a message from him. He will not abuse the time and the information that you give him and he certainly won't sell it to anyone else. Craig, this was great. Thank you so much for your time. We'll talk to you next week.

Unknown 13:26
Thanks Jim. Take care. Take care. Bye bye.

Unknown 13:28
All right. A final word when we return. You're listening to the Jim Polito show your safe space


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