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May 22, 2019

Craig is in the WGAN Morning News with Ken and Matt. This morning, they talked about a lot of things. Craig discussed the benefits of intermittent fasting. They also talked about the Israeli bombing cyber hackers, Jeff Bezos getting into the business of freight services, and hospitals pushing device makers to improve security on medical devices.

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Related Articles:

Microsoft Warns Of A Monster Computer Bug, In A Week Of Them

Israel Bombed Cyber Hackers (That Is Historic, For Many Reasons)

Jeff Bezos Personally Dumps A Truckload Of Dirt On Fedex’s Future

Hospitals Push Device Makers To Improve Security Following Cyberattacks



Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.

Airing date: 05/22/2019

Intermittent Fasting - Microsoft Warning About Patches - Israel Responded To Hacking By Bombing

Craig Peterson  0:00
Good morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here, welcome, welcome. Hey, if you watch me on YouTube, or maybe you attend some of my classes, or you're one of my insiders that I do coaching with, you might have noticed that I have lost a quite a bit of fat. I'm going to say, not necessarily weight, I have lost weight. I've lost a lot, 30, 40 pounds. But I've also put on some muscle. And you might be wondering why and how. I've had quite a few people asked me that are, you know, getting security coaching from me. Well, I am doing something called intermittent fasting as well as my wife. My kids have been doing it. It has been just amazing for general health. So this morning, I was on with Ken and Matt, I guess Ken had disappeared during this segment. But he had been talking about doing some intermittent fasting a little earlier in the morning. And I was so I got in and I explained what I will learned about intermittent fasting and diabetes and various types of diseases, including cancer. Some Nobel Prize material that had been presented to a Nobel laureate just a few years ago, a major breakthrough in science of medicine. So I talked about that this morning. And of course, we got into all of our weekly stuff as well, including a major warning out this week about Microsoft and doing some of the updates. You know, should you, shouldn't you while we talked about that this morning as well. So here we go. And of course, you'll find all of this at

Matt Gagnon 1:38
Again 7:38 on the WGAN Morning News with Ken and Matt. It is time to talk to our friend Craig Peterson. He joins us at this time every every Wednesday, and this is no exception of course. Craig, How are you this morning?

Craig 1:53
Hey, I am doing great. You know, we got to talk about one of my favorite subjects you guys are talking about a little earlier today, too?

Matt 2:01
Yes. What is that subject, sir?

Craig 2:02
So my wife and I have been doing intermittent fasting for over a year now. And I've read seven books on the topic. I follow a doctor out of the University of Toronto really closely, Jason Fung and he's a doctor. He's been a kidney doctor for the all a very long time. And he was tired of all of his patients dying. And of basically one thing, right, the whole insulin problem, diabetes. And about three years ago, there was a Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded to a Japanese researcher who discovered and really documented something called autophagy. And autophagy is the process whereby your cells repair themselves, but your body only repairs itself at one time. And that's when your fasting. So for instance, Matt, you know that you your mom probably told you time and time again, you got to get your sleep, right, give your body a chance to rest and repair. What are you not doing when you're sleeping? You're not eating? Right? And so it was really interesting to me, it started to click and so I read at least a half a dozen books on the topic and looked into the research, read some of the Nobel laureates writings on autophagy and follow Jason Fung who has been able to cure 1200 of his patients have diabetes, including the most severe types of diabetes. Now you got to be careful if you're diabetic, and you're thinking about fasting, intermittent fasting. Make sure you talk to your doctor. But with autophagy basically fixes almost everything. And then a side effect of it all is that you end up losing weight as well, and my wife and I, we've combined lost over 100 pounds over the last year, we are feeling better than I'm feeling better than I can remember in decades now. She is too, but it's absolutely amazing. So from a guy, you know, 10 years I was a volunteer paramedic, so I don't play a doctor on the radio. But I've read a lot about this, it's been very fascinating to me. And once you're trying to do is two things typically Ken. One is you want the results of autophagy, there's a study that just came out of Cambridge, about a month ago by a researcher saying basically, if you fast seven days a year, you it's almost impossible for you to get any type of cancer, because the autophagy clears those cells out of your body there. It's fascinating. You should research it. But taking your vitamins, it's still recommended to do that. Absolutely. But if you're eating less than about 500 calories a day, which you would be if all you took was your vitamins, you're on what's called a fasting mimicking diet. Now you got to be careful about restricting your calories because a calorie restricted diet causes other problems with your body and doesn't actually help with the fasting or the autophagy. What you're trying to do, bottom line here is stop the insulin reaction in your body. You want to slow that down. So eating anything like eating six meals a day, according to everything I've been reading and including what Dr. Fung has been talking about six meals a day is almost the worst thing you could possibly do. So don't snack. When you start out. Well, what we did for months with something called a 16. Eight fast, so we fasted for 16 hours a day. So if you finish your dinner at 6pm, 6am, the next day, there you got 12 hours with no snacks at all, you just drink water basically, or black coffee or tea, and then you don't eat until noon. So basically skip breakfast, you now have fasted for 16 hours and your body has had a chance to repair itself. It's fascinating stuff. After 24 hours of fasting, again, no food, no snacks, just some water and you know clear stuff, no sugars at all. After 24 hours, most of your immune system gets replaced. Your T cells, these white blood cells that protect you if they get rebuilt and replaced. And it's just fascinating, fascinating stuff. I read a bunch of scientific papers on this, as well as a whole bunch of books and studied some diets and things. Ken I absolutely love it. It is the easiest thing we have ever done from any sort of a diet. We've done, you know, bunches of them in the past, and they've all had various results for us. But this intermittent fasting thing has been amazing for us.

Matt 6:59
Well, this is the health hour with Craig Peterson. And he's talking with us here talking about all things technology and health related. So let's actually turn our attention a little bit to the technology side of things, if you don't mind. So Microsoft is warning us that there is a gigantic monster evil, malevolent force out there, a computer bug, and we should pay attention to that. So tell us a little bit more about what this warning is.

Craig 7:22
Yeah, I sent out another warning yesterday too, that was a Microsoft based one. But here's what happened. Intel, our friends member we have Intel processors CPUs in most of our computers. That's not true of your Samsung phone,Matt. It's not true of your iOS devices there Ken. But Intel processors, it's been found have another extremely major security vulnerability, I hate to have to say that again. And in order to completely block that computer vulnerability, you have to turn off something called hyperthreading, and that causes a 40% performance penalty. So we've got Apple's, Cook is very very, very upset with Intel right now, it's going to cause some more tensions between the two companies. Microsoft released patches for this, as has Apple, all the major manufacturers have released patches for this Intel bug. You will notice your machine will slow down afterwards. But I've got to warn you because Microsoft had 19 severe rated patches that they released this week. You know the Patch Tuesday thing. Be very careful because it breaks machines that are running so folks antivirus as well as some other software out there. So if you have not applied the Microsoft patches from this month's set of patches, don't do them. My Microsoft is calling them a monster computer bug. This is very big. And the likelihood that you're going to get nailed by it right now is kind of low. So be careful, Microsoft issued a warning that they are causing what's called the blue screen of death on Windows computers. So this is one time, you probably don't want to apply the patches quite yet. But you're definitely going to want to apply them.

Matt 9:21
We're talking to Craig Peterson, our tech guru. He joins us on Wednesdays at this time to go over what's happening in the world of technology. And Craig, Equifax got a data breach of course and a lot of their customers information was was taken and there's some huge data breach there whatnot. Apparently that has cost them dearly. Cash wise, what happened?

Craig 9:41
Yeah, this is I was just bemoaning Equifax because look at the insane ruined 145 million people's private data, you know, it got released, and some of it was extreme private data. And it was due to the fact that they didn't patch right, they had a six months old patching problem. And really no heads rolled over this. And that kind of upset me too. They just weren't doing anything right. But now we found out because Equifax just had their earnings report last week, we found out that they have they've spent they said more than $1.4 billion because of the breach and that's paying people, covering people for having their credit monitored, etc. And by the way, that does not include the money they keep they paid to Ken and his cohorts. So the 1.4 billion does not include legal fees. So I don't know if I should consider that any form of justice. But yeah, Equifax has paid and paid I would say $1.4 billion, and plus legal fees. This is probably they paid kind of dearly for this. I hope they have changed their practices. You know what people, this reminds us get back to the brass tacks. When it comes to security. get right down to it, make sure you are doing the patches, just wait this month for maybe another week or so for Microsoft to get its act together. But make sure you patch make sure you have the 321 backup stuff in place. Make sure you are taking care of the fundamentals. 

Matt 11:25
And Craig speaking of justice, you mentioned the word justice. One of the little tidbits that caught my attention was this. This, this news item about Israel actually bombing cyber hackers or cyber, I don't know if you want to call them cyber terrorists, whatever. So this is a this is sort of a this is a new front on on, I guess the the general idea of welfare, warfare, excuse me. And it's it's historic and different, new and a lot of ways. So describe this to us.

Craig 11:59
Well, it is it. We know already the IDF, the Israeli Defense Forces, they return fire when Hamas sends rockets over the border and stuff. And apparently, Hamas has been very aggressive against Israeli targets on the cyber security front. So they apparently track down where these Hamas cyber operatives are working out of. And it was a group called HamasCyberHQ.exe is what they call themselves. And the IDF came out with with a statement on Twitter that said, following our successful cyber defensive operation, we targeted a building where Hamas cyber operatives work. HamasCyberHQ.exe has been removed. And in Twitter they posted a picture of a U shaped building with the right side of it colored in red. And that apparently was a section that is now wiped off the map. So kinetic conflicts is what it's been called, which I thought was really kind of cool. But yeah, apparently Israel has decided that cyber warfare, it should be treated the same as any other type of warfare. And they took them out with good old fashioned explosives.

Matt 13:20
And speaking of taking out that's a good segue or not, but Jeff Bezos is undercutting and taking the knees out of FedEx. He's going going after them directly. What's happening there?

Craig 13:35
Did you see this pictures?

Matt 13:36 
I did.

Craig 13:37 
Bezos on this big John Deere right, front end loader. And yes, this is really fascinating, because of course, Amazon keeps trying to cut costs. We've talked about that before. And one of the things that they are doing right now just last week, outside of Cincinnati down in Kentucky, because they're right on the border, he's building a 3 million square foot parking garage, he's building his own airport, they're going to call it the Prime Air airport. It hasn't a parking garage for 100 cargo jets. Amazon doesn't own anywhere near that many right now. And he is launching his own freight delivery service. extensively, we're assuming here to be able to move Amazon products around the country. He's putting that one and a half billion dollars into this and saying this is going to create about 2000 new jobs. But as you pointed out, FedEx and UPS have been hauling this stuff for him. So I don't know, maybe it's rubbing a little salt into their wounds, because this is going to hurt their businesses.

Matt 14:45
Indeed, it is. Craig we have maybe a minute and a half left here. So a quick question here to wrap up here, hospitals, device makers and proving security following cyber attack. So you hear hospitals and cyber attacks and gonna freak me out a little bit like health records and everything else like what's actually happening here in a couple of minutes?

Craig 15:03
Yeah, well, we know health records are especially two years ago, it was the year of the medical cyber hack. Right now what we're seeing is US hospitals very concerned because there was a test done on CT machines and others in the hospitals. And it found that they were very vulnerable to hackers. And that's extremely concerning. Think about what might happen, if you have a had a radiological machine, an x-ray machine that was compromised, and they compromised them throughout the country. And now they're holding people's lives, literally at ransom, because they're saying, Hey, we will overdose people on x-rays. It's a terrible thought. And hospitals are now pushing back to device makers saying we want to know everything about those devices. We're buying, what operating system is inside of them, and go further along the lines. And we've seen that before too even in manufacturing facilities. Some of these devices even are still running Windows XP. These are not just a black box. It's not just sitting there doing nothing, right? It has a computer in it, everybody. We've got to protect it. And so hospitals are really pushing the device makers now. 

Matt 16:18
Yeah indeed. All right. Craig Peterson, our tech guru joins us at this time every Wednesday to go over what's happening in the world of technology. As always Craig, we appreciate it and talk to you again next Wednesday, sir.

Craig 16:29
Take care. Bye. Bye.

Matt 16:31
Thanks a lot, Craig. Alright, so we're gonna take a quick break here.

Craig 16:33
Hey, if you're interested in having me, I was thinking maybe do a little quick masterclass on this whole fasting thing. Maybe put a little support group together because I know it can be tough. I don't know. Let me know if you think I should or if you have any other questions, just And you know if you're interested, look it up. Study it a little bit. This is free, right? Who's going to pay for TV ads to do something for free, right? Nobody. This stuff just works. I'm just fascinated, amazed by it. Amazed how good it is, how good it's been for me, and how good it's been for thousands of other people that I'm aware of. I don't know what the ultimate number is. Anyways, Take care everybody. We will be back on Saturday. Bye bye.


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