Oct 31, 2018
Are you aware that Facebook accounts are now for sale on the dark web?
Craig is on with Ken and Matt on The WGAN Morning News talking about artificial intelligence and the awkward etiquette of iPad tipping.
These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - CraigPeterson.com
Related Articles:
Your Next Appointment May Begin By Talking With An Artificial Intelligence
You Want 20% For Handing Me A Muffin? The Awkward Etiquette Of iPad Tipping
After The Hack:
People's Facebook Accounts Now For Sale On Dark Web
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.
Airing date: 10/31/2018
Artifical Intelligence - Tip Shaming With iPad POS - Watching Porn Email Fraud
Matt Gagnon: Time to talk to Craig Peterson our tech guru who is on the line right now. Craig
Unknown 0:03
Are you they doing good? I'm down with the heart of the beast today
and down in Washington DC
Unknown 0:12
it Halloween? Right? Yes. Waiting ankle deep in the swamp.
Unknown 0:16
So speak about artificial intelligence Oh
Unknown 0:21
gonna be something that we can just have an artificial intelligence
in the White House perhaps crack
Unknown 0:27
you know that actually might have
Unknown 0:29
some are we talking about robot president here?
Unknown 0:34
You are under arrest
Unknown 0:38
and Ed tool nine down the street. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, the holy I
think is really interesting. And we're already seeing chat box and
other things out on social networks where you're trying to talk to
a company and you're actually talking to a computer. But we're
seeing more and more of this artificial intelligence. Earlier this
year, we had a friend over at Google demonstrated in artificial
intelligence that could call and make appointments, which is really
kind of cool. If you heard those demos. In fact, I even sent them
this morning in the email. But it is just amazing where it's going.
And one of the things that's really starting to changes of the way
we consume our, you know, medical services, right? Do you guys have
you ever used one of those online services, we get on Skype or
something, and you talk to a doctor remotely,
Unknown 1:33
I've never done that night, but I certainly know that it
Unknown 1:35
Yeah, I've used it before, too, because for as little as like 20
bucks a month, you can subscribe to these things. And if you have
something going on, you can just pop on talk to a doctor. And they
can actually give some basic prescriptions. And they can also tell
you, yeah, don't worry about it, or maybe taking to the emergency
room or take them to your physician. So those types of services
exist in there cutting some of the medical costs people have, well,
when we look far forward, can you know, before the days of the
robotic president and learn we're going to be seeing doctors online
that are actually artificial intelligence. And the scary thing is
the studies that are being done right now for, you know, looking at
medicine, looking at computers are showing that computers are more
accurate at diagnosing the majority of machine of diseases than the
doctors are. So the computers are already doing better in some
cases. I guess the ultimate question is, if you end up with
something like it at 209 that Matt was referring to where, you
know, bedside manner, is it going to be better or worse, if you're
working with a computer? I don't know. But it's common. This is
gonna be like, the,
Unknown 2:56
this is a nerd alert here, I guess was gonna be like the
holographic doctor from Star Trek Voyager. I like this completely
artificial intelligence saying treating you arrogant as a terrible
bedside manner.
Unknown 3:10
Exactly. But yeah, that's kind of what it's going to be you you'll
kind of chat with it. The first versions, you'll chat with them
online, you'll describe your symptoms, not like going to the
doctor, Google people don't just Google all of your symptoms,
because you're going to find it that you are sick, it doesn't
matter what your symptom is. And obviously, your heads going to
fall off next week. But you're going to chat with them. And they
will come up with some basic advice. And then the next step will be
that it's going to be able to examine you look at your, the new
Apple Watch as you get that, yes,
Unknown 3:44
no, it's gonna be my Christmas present, you know, okay,
Unknown 3:48
well, that Apple Watch today can do some basic cardiac
measurements, right. And, you know, give it a few another couple of
years, they'll have all kinds of stuff that's they can use that for
even the camera on the Apple Watches now are being used to monitor
your skin for cancer and various other things. So it's going to be
you wearing your shirt to the gym, and your shirts going to be
monitoring you telling you, you better stop that treadmill right
now, get yourself to the hospital might even call nine one for you.
Because I've noticed a major cardiac arrhythmia or your Apple Watch
is going to do that it there. Everything's going to change and it's
going to be a computer-centric world.
Unknown 4:32
Craig Peterson, tech guru Wednesday morning, 738. It is that time
and we're talking to Craig right now. Craig is my Facebook account
for sale on the evil dark web right now
Unknown 4:45
here. This is something right. We talked a couple weeks ago about
the big pack some 50 million people's accounts were hacked. And we
didn't really know what was stolen and Facebook wasn't being
totally upfront about everything. And then downgraded at Facebook
settle knows more like 30 million people. Just 30 million. Yeah,
give her know what they got, what 2 billion subscribers counter
something you know. So yeah, what's 30 million? Well yes, it turns
out that Facebook has not only been hacked but their information
has made it onto the dark web and you can go on the dark web but
right now and you can find on the new marketplace you guys know
about so grow right yes i did was
Unknown 5:33
i downtown does but I do know I don't
Unknown 5:35
want can might remember the original shirt he's probably old enough
yeah what is it yeah yeah
Unknown 5:41
he's doing a legal briefs
Unknown 5:44
reading about matching reading what this thing about porn and
fraudulent emails with them and ask them about next. Okay, shut up.
Sorry about that.
Unknown 5:54
So. So this is going to interesting because between three and co
dollars on the dark web, you can go out and buy the information
from the hat accounts. So it looks like this is credible. It's on
dream market, which is the new big dark web market, you know, Silk
Road went away was it was taken down by the FBI, the guy apparently
behind it all in, you know, criminal charges and everything and
some jail time. So now dream market is the new market that has
replaced it. And if your Facebook information was stolen, it is
apparently now for sale online.
Unknown 6:37
Alright, so Ken has a porn question. But you also have the one
about about tipping by your tipping when you buy a muffin. So it's,
um, it's a toss up what question I will answer. But well, knowing
where your mind goes, I'm gonna go ahead and guess that pornography
is. So let me get this straight. Some people are emailing us saying
I caught you looking at adult website. And if you don't give me
money, I'm going to drop a diamond. You basically can expose that
to the public.
Unknown 7:04
That's exactly what it is. And when you got that can
Unknown 7:11
I said I don't know what you're talking about. Because I don't look
at a website. I did. I did google home early this morning. But that
was not on a porn website.
Unknown 7:25
But that is what's happening. But here's what's going on this.
These scammers have found people's email addresses and passwords
from a various online systems that have been breached. Now, what
can trust me what this whole thing tells me is we are not using
passwords properly. You know, you're supposed to be using a
different password on every website, even a different username,
different email addresses, right. So here's what happened. The bad
guys got all of us information that was stolen from a bunch of
different websites out there, they put it all together into a pot.
And then they started mailing out these pieces of mail saying
exactly what you said, Hey, we found your user information out on
this porn site. And by the way, here's your password. And here's
your username, which is typically your email address. If you don't
pay us we will let everybody in your contacts and know that you
were at this porn site and that you are a member now it's
interesting because this is in fact people are getting scared
because it is their password but they never visited that porn
Unknown 8:43
So sure they have Craig
Unknown 8:47
so what it meant in my case is I was using the same password to
each site and that's what's happening out there. People are just
you're using the same password and all of these sites and they're
getting upset and worried because it is the password that they use
but it was not hacked that porn site it was just hacked somewhere
else so so you
Unknown 9:08
Unknown 9:11
want to make sure since I've never gone to a porn site of course
that they look at my camera and be filming me looking at the porn
Unknown 9:18
yeah well that's possible too well I was down here we did a demo of
how it only takes about 90 seconds to hack somebody's computer and
just from a drive by download and turn on their camera but yeah
that's possible that can happen they can watch you watching porn
now for me it's just my mouth starts to water cuz I love that porn
but um. There's a lot of different types of poor air might not want
to have that app don't visit those bites right there the worst when
it comes to drive by downloads and viruses and just all kinds of
Unknown 9:57
let me delete hope yeah okay of nastiness would be the right place
the right What do you want to ask your muffin question? Well yeah
you know you bring this up that you go into a place on I will miss
the place but I go in and I give them my Apple Pay or give them a
credit card and they turn around and it has a tip on it I got it I
mean they just hated me a muffin Why am I turning around and
handing me a muffin
Unknown 10:26
something right it's a guilt play my age you feel a little guilty
when they interesting my wife said to me one
Unknown 10:33
time when you go pick up the Chinese food do you leave a tip and I
never asked don't yet but I've started doing it because I think it
will they all put in the mail to you always tip your takeout I
person Yeah. So I guess in fact, I actually tipped them Oh, I don't
really well. I don't either.
Unknown 10:49
They know who you are, you know,
Unknown 10:51
can I tell your story and Sorry, I'm gonna go ahead and indulge
myself here a little bit. But what one of the places that I go a
lot, is a famous Daves in Scarborough. Whenever I'm in the
neighborhood and they get some get a chicken salad. They're
beginning for years. Because I like it. I tip them very well. And I
treat them very nicely and they just changed it. Listen to me. They
just changed their menu. And like two weeks before they change the
menu. They're like, Man, you know, you know that we're changing the
chicken. And we want to make sure that we have your opinion on
this. So I made you a badge of the new chicken. Would you try it?
Oh, wow. Yes, by the way, excellent chicken. But I'm saying you get
treated like goals. So if you say you should check them out, your
Unknown 11:29
is a problem is because they have these little, you know, iPad or
tablet and they run your card and then they turn it around to you.
Now you're standing in line there are people in line behind you
plus the guy that just turned this around to you. And the default
tip amounts are like 1520 or 25% for handing them a muffin or
grabbing some coffee. You know what what's going on here it is it's
really awkward and I've been there myself and for usually just say
other and I give them some minor tip like a box or something as
opposed to the two or $3 it might be recommending it you know,
they're not paid terribly well. But I I think that's kind of tip
shaming should go away. That's a part of technology. I definitely
don't like
Unknown 12:22
yes, shaming should go but you should still tipping point shaming
should go away to
Unknown 12:28
Unknown 12:29
Well, typically
Unknown 12:30
absolutely as you should. We're going to go and leave it there
Craig, appreciate you joining us and we will talk to you again next
week. Sir.
Unknown 12:36
Hey, take care guys. Bye bye. Alright, great. So of course
Unknown 12:41
ties into a script doing
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