Jun 26, 2018
Will your next Dr. be a robot? Listen in as Jim and I talk about the future of medicine and why older doctors might not be as good as the new intern on his staff.
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Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.
Airing date: 06/26/2018
The Future of Medicine: Are Doctors as Good as a Machine
Craig Peterson:[00:00:00] Hi everybody, Craig Peterson Here. This morning I had an interesting conversation. Have you ever wondered about Dr. Google, right? How many of us have not gone online? Typed in our symptoms and tried to do a little bit of self-diagnosis. Well, this morning with Jim, I talked about that problem a little bit I'm glad, Jim kind of saved my butt on that one. But we talked about the stats the studies that have been done looking at medicine and medical practitioners. And we went into some details of what the future of medicine holds and frankly it's going to be in your hand.
[00:00:42] Here we go with Jim Polito, here. He's got a great story for us today and a lot of other great stories I'm talking about our tech talk guru, Craig Peterson.
[00:00:53] Good morning sir. Good morning Jim. All right so you're telling me. That very soon, I could be going to the doctor and it could be the Robot from Lost in Space. Let me tell ya, he's got some mean pinchers. You know hands, I don't know if I want them you know, doing anything.
[00:01:15] Are we talking about we're talking about the original one from the 60s.
[00:01:19] The original one, like you know the one with the with the arms like the dryer vent. You know you like it. Yeah, yeah, that one. OK. So, but tell me now, AI artificial intelligence.
[00:01:36] You're saying that it's going to be part of the future of healthcare.
[00:01:40] Oh, in a big way and there's a lot of reasons it should be the future. And, there is some really interesting stuff that I dug into, in fact in relation to this particular story. So, for instance, Jim you’re, you know, you're over 40.
[00:01:58] So, just a little bit just a hair over 40 years old.
[00:02:03] You know they recommend that you go in for colon cancer screening.
[00:02:09] Seriously, I've been doing that since I was 40 because my grandmother died of colon cancer. So, yes.
[00:02:15] How about that? Then women are going in for breast exams, you know it’s very common. And yet in both cases now, we've got a whole lot of dispute in the medical industry for instance, there was a study done on colon cancer experts, recently and it showed that of them agreed it had these, colon cancer experts some said screening has no value all the way through other colon cancer experts who said it absolutely has value.
[00:02:52] We have things like for instance this is another medical fact, right. It's been around for a long time. If a little kid is sick you're going to see a doctor or you're sick you have a fever. Doctors have been prescribing aspirin for over 100 years.
[00:03:11] Yet recent studies are showing, that prescribing aspirin or other and antipyretic to reduce fevers can be significantly more risk than just allow you to run its course. You know what's a really big here. Right over here. You know we've all heard of old wives tale, right. You know how about Dr. tales. Now another doctor, John Landis he studied the phenomenon and he looked at medical academia and he found that he's come out of the medical academia environment, are more likely to have research claims that are false than research claims that are true.
[00:04:01] This is not good. So, no this is all bad.
[00:04:07] All right medicine very complex. It's very hard to find easy answers. And I'm going to tell you about one more real quick study here, and that is how what kind of doctor age do you prefer.
[00:04:24] You know what. I don't really care.
[00:04:26] I've never I had to see a specialist when I was a little kid, I had a man who was my pediatrician, then I had a woman. I'm one of those I'm one of those rare people who doesn't care, as long as I feel that you're a competent physician. I don't, It doesn't matter to me at all.
[00:04:44] Well, I'd prefer to see a doctor, you know my GP, my general practitioner, that I can relate to, right. That's kinda number one, right. If its’ a specialist. Yeah, I don't care if they don't have any bedside manner or they can even speak English. it meaningless it doesn't matter to me. Right. But when they're talking to the doctor and we're trying to evaluate if I should have that colon screening or what I should do. I want someone I can relate to that.
[00:05:14] I mean, Francis Murray, my doc is still out and Springville like you said you heard. Yeah, I mean I can relate to them. I have a great rapport with them.
[00:05:24] You've gotta have that. But, there's another study out that shows that doctors who are, our age. In other words, doctors who are older who are more than ten years out of medical school are more likely to make mistakes and cause harm to their patients. Than doctors who recently graduated from medical school, even in many cases than interns than some of the older doctors. What I'm kind of building up to here is all of these different studies I was looking at as part of this article are showing that in reality, medicine is, like with computers right, you know, what router should I get because they're all vulnerable right now, right. That the exact question everybody has, and how can you tell if someone is an expert. You're right it's hard. It's almost impossible because this field is changing so fast well the older tech field has a direct impact on medicine as well. So, the thinking here is just like you go to Google right now you might ask a question you know the number one radio show in western Springfield. Very simple. All right. Simple but it's going to get to the point where it will be free for you to get a real diagnosis from your smartphone, probably from Google or Microsoft, or one of these other companies but you won't be able to get a free diagnosis that better than you would get from an expert. Now, it's going to be hard to relate to that non-person.
[00:07:17] See that's the thing. And where do I have to put that smartphone to get that diagnosis?
[00:07:23] Yes. I don't know. I don't know if my protective case could handle that.
[00:07:29] Well, we've already got that for your iPhone. We've already got something that just requires you to you plug it into the iPhone port on the bottom of your phone all you do is put four fingers on it and it will do a cardiac evaluation for you and will send the information directly to your daughters or your doctor. should do with them. Students who graduate in 2020 are going to experience or doubling of knowledge, what they learned in the first three years of medical school will be just 6 percent of what's known at the end of the next decade from 2010 to 2020. We've had four doublings of knowledge and we have had and they expect that to continue. So, how can anybody keep up with that? And that's where AI might be very interesting.
[00:08:21] Oh my god that is fascinating. Now look I I know that people are going to hear what you're saying. and say, oh that means I could just go right online right now and diagnose myself. And that's not what it means. We want to make sure everybody understands that. So, you need to get. One of the actual stories that will describe this to you and the easy way to do that is to text in my name.
[00:08:46] Jay I am Jim to this number 8 5 5 3 8 5 55 53 that’s 8 5 5 3 8 5 55 53 and standard data and text rates apply.
[00:09:04] But you'll get this information plus a whole lot of other information that will help you to make look, right, Craig the wise decisions for yourself. The more information you have the better you can make a decision and that's actually what is best in healthcare.
[00:09:23] You're absolutely right and be careful Dr. Google cannot diagnose and many doctors are going to be very upset when you run in with your printouts from your Google search, it’s not there yet another decade and we certainly will be.
[00:09:39] Wow that's incredible. Craig always a pleasure always an interesting segment and we look forward to talking with you next week sir.
[00:09:47] Take care.
[00:09:48] Thanks Jim All righty. Thank you. That was great, man. I'm glad that we discussed that at the end. You have got to be careful do not go to the Internet and try to do the self-diagnosis, it's good to gather information on the internet but the relationship with the doctor that is the most important thing. OK, we have a final word when we return.
[00:10:12] Ok. Got to point out something else. For those of you who I promised the free insider memberships to. Now, this is something we will end up charging for, but for now, there are a few people I offered it to. So, if you are part of this insiders group where we are sharing all kinds of special reports and things and you're giving feedback kind of helping out with a few things. If you're part of that, I want to let you know we have made some progress and we've got the software set up now so it's ready to send out your logins. We have a bunch of materials already in there. So, those will become available and everything takes longer and costs more. So, sorry it's not out there yet but this. This is exciting. This is a bit of a test for us, something new. We haven't done before you know we tried the Facebook group and we had hundreds of people sign up, but we just didn't have that type of interactivity that I really wanted to see so it wasn't helping a lot. But this insider thing, I think is going to be really good. So, keep an eye out in your e-mails and for those that I promised that I'd sign you up, and I you know I can probably still take a few more people, let me know if that's what you want to do. OK. Take care.
[00:11:30] And we'll be back tomorrow. Bye-bye.
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