Jan 29, 2019
Craig is on the Jim Polito show as they discussed two factor authentication, how to manage your passwords, and the data breach that leaked 773 million emails.
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Related Articles:
Biggest Data Breach
Yet Has Leaked 773 Million Emails. Hereโs What You Need To Do
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.
Airing date: 01/29/2019
Safe Gun Technology - Huge Hack Collection - Proper Use Of Passwords And 2FA
Craig Peterson: 0:00
Hey, good morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. Before I was on with Jim Polito this morning, it was talking about an interesting case down in Mass where there was a guy who was defending himself with a firearm and the bad guy decided he was going to take off and he hopped into his car and the guy with a firearm hopped on the hood of the car and held the you know the bad guy right obviously this whole thing has to go to court and everything figure out you know, was he a bad guy what happened here but but anyways he was on the hood of the car pointing his gun at them just incredible. So that's what we started out with today. Talking about that, what that meant, what that means. And I talked a little bit about the technology behind guns and some of the things that have been tried and frankly, and failed. And we also correspond some time about data leaks more on 1Password. And the way to use 2FA. All of that this morning with Mr. Jim Polito, take care Have a great day, everybody and keep an eye on your mailbox. Hopefully you've been getting my emails this week. We're building up to something big next week
Unknown 1:17
Everybody. Everyone's favorite Canadian and Tech Talk guru our good
friend Craig Peterson. Good morning sir Good morning Jim How you
doing today Craig I'm doing well interesting topic when it comes to
firearms some technology proposed over the years you know these
these guns we see on the sci fi movies they can only be fired by
the rightful owner or someone who's on the guys side yeah and the
fields of the years one what was interesting was you were a mike
medic rings and that was used to unlock the city as this gun and
then they're continually our proposals by
Unknown 2:00
Senator Schumer and other results as the years that they somehow
build in some sort of computer thing that may be reached your
fingerprints, or maybe he says DNA, none of those types of things,
actually working guns. And that's just the work of science fiction
Southern. There's really a lot of misunderstandings about firearms
and using them safely and what the law allows and and what
technology can do with them
Unknown 2:27
to go around corners with the Angelina Jolie and
Unknown 2:34
Mr. And Mrs. Smith or
Unknown 2:38
one of them. But anyway, it's understanding. Yeah, yeah, it is. And
look, the bottom line is the real technology that the best control
guns is between your ears. That's the real technology. So hey, here
we go again. Craig. 773 million emails. What's going on?
Unknown 3:11
Yeah, as you as you were saying earlier this morning, it really is
time to change your password again, your email password. And to
that, and I'm continuing to recommend 1Password. It's a piece of
software that now not only keeps track of your password and your
accounts and automatically will fill them in for you on websites,
as long as you remember your master password. Yeah, but it also
keeps track of hacks, it keeps track of what passwords have been
found out on the dark web. Yeah, really, it says all kinds of
things. So what we're finding now is three quarters of a billion
email addresses which tens of millions of passwords. This is likely
a collection of passwords and email accounts that they've been
found over the years.
Unknown 4:00
It's all the put together and is now being sold on the dark
Unknown 4:06
And if they're successful in using the gym, and that's what really
kind of kept me going here, because the only reason that the bad
guys is successful in using these passwords, some of which are
older, is this piece, reuse the same credentials on multiple
services. Yeah, and that simple, it's that so so they get one from
you, and they get them all. Yeah, well, that's kind of what it is
right? If you use the same email address, and you use the same
password on multiple websites, or let's say you use it on your face
website. And let's assume the bank has reasonable security and
email says it's probably as reasonable security right? And then you
use the same email address with the same password on Joe's morning
cartoon website. And Joe's cartoon site gets hacked.
Unknown 5:00
Now what happens is the bad guys take your your email address and
your password from Joe's cartoons that they stole. And they try it
on Bank of America and you name it every major bank out there and
the end you if you use the same email address and the same
password, they are in your bank account information. It's just that
simple. We're talking with our good friend Craig Peterson. And at
the end of this segment, we're going to give you a number and you
can text My name to it. And when you do, you'll get all of this
information from Craig Peterson. He will not annoy you with
incessant messages or try to sell you anything. It's just it's a
great service that he offers to listeners to the show which we
truly appreciate. Standard date and text rates apply. Okay, what
was it password one is the Is it an app that you were talking about
to help manage your passwords and protect you
Unknown 6:00
It's called 1Password. Oh 1Password. Just 1, and then password. Now
they have some 3 levels, I use the paid stuff, we use it for
businesses. So there's one other thing that you got to do. And
that's called two factor authentication. And 1Password support a
lot of two factor authentication sites. But at the very least, set
up two factor authentication, sometimes a brief abbreviated to App
a. And what that allows them to do now is in the simplest form,
send a text message to your phone. So by the way, if you lose your
phone, you might have some issues here. And if you also lose your
phone number, change your phone number. Remember if you've used it
for two factor authentication, but the idea is you try and log in
on the website and then the website confirms what you know which is
your username and password with something that you
Unknown 7:00
You have, which is your cell phone. Or in the case of one password,
you've got the 1Password app on your phone. And that type of basic
security something you know, along with something you have. So even
if the bad guys have your know side to say, have your email address
and your password, they don't have your phone. So if they try and
log into your account, or if you try and log into your account,
your your bank or whatever site you're going to, he's going to go
ahead and send you a text message with a confirmation code. You
then enter that confirmation cozy, and then you're all set. So if
someone tries to log in and was on authorized, you're going to get
that text message with that confirmation code. And immediately
you're going to know something is a foot Now there are some major
things in progress. This year, we're going to see some major
advances because Google Chrome already has
Unknown 8:00
This built in so far is getting it a lot of browsers are getting
and it's using some special types of two factor authentication the
Yubikey than others and and I'm going to put together the master
class that will have for the listeners again absolutely free for
them to attend that explains how to do this yes particularly if
you're a business you've got a fiduciary responsibility to keep
data safe particularly personal information and you know I've got
to help house because it's happening to everybody and Jim you
brought up at three quarters of a billion
Unknown 8:39
in that one file that everybody okay
Unknown 8:45
yeah that is downtown. What's a huge But no, it is huge. Now I was
reading that this is called what in the hacking world collection
number one which means there could be
Unknown 9:00
More collections on the way Yeah, they're almost certainly are
going to be
Unknown 9:06
you know that what here's what happens they say seals the data they
break into a website and they use different technologies sequel
injection other things but they use technologies to get at the
database this behind the website and then once they're they have
access to that database so just dump everything out of it because
most businesses just hard keeping it safe enough, right you
shouldn't be able to do that. But anyways, they dump it out and
then they go ahead and they go to keep it as an eBay for the bad
guy that goes to these websites on the dark web. Yeah, allow
options allows them to sell things and then they start selling them
and then after a while that data becomes signs of sale. So they
sold your email address and password for effectively a fraction of
a penny as part of our collection of a breach. And now it's been
Unknown 10:00
months since they did it last so they building these collections
This is all collection of a one Jim because it's the biggest ever
but there are dozens if not hundreds of these collections out there
already and it's you have not changed your password in the last few
months you are incredibly susceptible to having your data stolen
your money stolen and your identity stolen and we talked before
about this you could get pulled over by a police officer the side
of the road for a broken taillight. Yeah, and all of a sudden it's
a felony
Unknown 10:36
in the could happen to you because your data with solar you gotta
keep up on that. I know, can you imagine that, that there's a
warrant out for you, you know, and that's a standard part and folks
don't understand a warren check is a standard part of a pullover
just to make sure there's no outstanding warrants for you. And
let's say somebody did take your identity.
Unknown 11:00
They went out and they did something that resulted in a warrant
guess what they're gonna rescue and then you can you imagine you're
trying to explain to the cop
Unknown 11:12
never been I've never been on the floor right you're
Unknown 11:17
you're you are in jail kissing the pavement and 10 degree weather
is this can happen. Look at one password. This is it. One password
is how you'll find it online. There's a couple of others that are
okay. last pass is pretty good. But I really if you want the best
stuff, one password is the way to go. Change your passwords, make
it a year New Year's resolution, get one password, have it generate
the passwords for you. There's lots of videos on how to use it out
there and then go and use it all year long. Start using two factor
authentication. You are the only one who cares enough about your
personal information, frankly.
Unknown 12:00
really do anything as far as these big companies out there that
lose your data, you're just the balance sheet entry. It's your
life. You've got to take control. There's a lot of other
information about this. There's information about other things. And
Craig Peterson has it all. And as I said earlier, all the jab to do
is text My name to this number 855-385-5553. That's 855-385-5553
standard data and text rates apply Craig as usual, right on top of
things. We really appreciate the time
Unknown 12:40
Talk to you next week when we return a final word.
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