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Apr 28, 2020


Good morning, everybody. I was on with Jim Polito this morning. We discussed some of the problems that the Small Business Administration is having with their computer architecture and why it crashed while trying to process requests for these small business saving loans from the Federal Government.  So, here we...

Apr 27, 2020


Good Monday morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. I was on with Jack Heath this morning. We talked about the demand for Cybersecurity professionals and Information Technology specialists and the future of business in our post Corona environment.  Here we go with Jack.

These and more tech tips, news, and...

Apr 24, 2020


We have a lot of technology in the news this week.  I will give you my take on the monitoring that the government is doing and why.  We will discuss contact tracing and how Big Tech is trying to come up with a solution.  What is this 5G conspiracy that is being bantered about and why is Amazon having...

Apr 23, 2020

Good morning everybody!

I was on with Matt this morning and we had a good discussion about how big tech is trying to provide a technology standard for tracking pandemics using our smartphones and what this will mean to our privacy.  Let's get into my conversation with Matt on WGAN.

These and more tech tips, news, and...

Apr 20, 2020


Good Monday morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. I was on with Jack Heath this morning. We discussed what we may expect in the future in regards to working from home in a post-COVID-19 world and why people may consider a new career during this time.  Here we go with Jack.

These and more tech tips, news, and...