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Jul 28, 2021

App Tracking Traps a Catholic Priest.
How It Can Affect You, Too

Craig Peterson: I've got two hot topics for you this morning. One about this Catholic priest that ended up resigning and how that happened to tie into this Grindr account. And how it affects you because this type of technology used to convict him in the...

Jul 26, 2021

Intel Tells Us How Long the Shortage Will Last

[automated transcript]

We're looking at a big chip shortage. You probably heard a little bit about it, but how long is it going to last? And we've got this explosive report out right now about spyware and some of the cyber hacking and what's happening with Android versus...

Jul 21, 2021

Google's Being Sued by the States -- And it doesn't look good for them Craig Peterson: We talked earlier about Amazon and how much trouble they're in right now, Google apparently is in a similar boat. We had just this week, dozens of state attorneys, general suing Google on antitrust grounds.

[00:00:16] You can reach me...

Jul 21, 2021

Recommendations to Turn Off Your Printers - eCar Fire Warning Craig Peterson: Hey, we got another emergency patch out from our friends at Microsoft. And in this case, it has to do with printers and remote printer access. Do you have employees working from home?

Microsoft has their big monthly patches that they release....

Jul 21, 2021

COVID's Biggest Victim? The Traditional Workplace

Craig Peterson: Work from home is a huge deal, especially for a couple of segments of our society. And I want to talk a little bit about that now, as employees are returning to work, should they be returning to the office?

There is a great article here this last week in...