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May 14, 2019

Craig is on the Jim Polito Show this Tuesday morning. Today the talked about the cost of healthcare, Google's new feature, and about Facebook being protected by the government.

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Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.

Airing date: 05/14/2019

The Real Statistics About Healthcare - Facebook Using Guns To Stop Competitors - New Google Feature

Craig Peterson 0:00
Oh boy, hey, Craig Peterson here. I don't know, would you call this a full pile? I'm not sure. You know, you have some people out there like Ann Coulter. Have you seen her book Shut Up And Sing where she's all upset about Hollywood, because these people that really don't know anything about a topic, go and shoot their mouths off, right? And, and they're just actors or singers. So just, you know, do your singing and get lost, right, you don't really know what you're talking about in the political realm. So I don't know that this morning. I was on with Jim Polito and he had been talking this morning about healthcare and what Bernie Sanders has been saying as well as other candidates running for the Democrat party nomination. And I just I could not bite my tongue. So you're gonna have to let me know what you think. Was this a shut up and sing moment? Obviously, I know what I'm talking about here and as you listen to the interview, you'll realize it as well. But it is so upsetting to me. So anyways, we talked about that. He got me going with Facebook again this morning. And you know the protections that Facebook has that most people don't realize you know that Facebook has, they're keeping competitors out of the market at a point of a gun quite literally. And a little bit about Google and a new feature they're coming out with that everybody should turn on and and once it's on I'll let you know about that. So anyhow, here we go with Mr. Polito. Make sure you send me let me know really I'm serious here. Let me know what you think was this at total full powers, is this something I should do? I know most of the people listening are tend to be libertarian, like I am. Some are conservative. There's some that are you know, confiscal conservative, and some are of you know, socially, not so conservative. And I get it this but this I think affects, I know, affects every last one of us. Let me know what you think So here we go with Mr. Polito. 

Jim Polito 2:12
Here he is. Uniquely qualified to explain everything you need to know in the simplest of terms, our good friend and Tech Talk guru. Former Canadian, Craig Peterson. Good morning, sir. How are you?

Craig 2:28
Good morning, man. You're talking about healthcare. They're like three topics this morning I got to talk to Jim about. But this is one that is going to kill people. People will die.

Jim 2:40
Yeah, I mean, tell us about Canada. How lovely it is.

Craig 2:44
Oh, I do not have you you know, as you know, and many listeners might not but I was born and raised in the Great White North. And being from Canada. I have most of my family's still up there brothers, sisters, parents, uncles, everybody, aunts and people somehow point to Canada as being some sort of a great place and, and Bernie talking about how expensive it is here and we're going to cut costs and and your great explanation of hey, it's already heavily subsidized by those of us that do carry insurance. So I thought I'd just point out a couple of things Jim.

Craig 3:27
If you look up right now and I sent you a couple articles. I texted them to you, hopefully you got them. 

Jim 3:33 
No, we got them.

Craig 3:36
I sent them to the right number, not some, oh okay. Bottom line here, per capita healthcare spending in the US. Okay. So per person here in the US annually it's a little north of $10,000. Now, look at some of these European countries like the Netherlands, Austria, Austria, Belgium. It's half the spending it is here in the US. Now, what do you think it would be like in Canada, right. It's Bernie's talking about all these efficiencies you're going to get when you get the government involved when you don't have the insurance companies. When you don't have the competition. It's going to get cheaper. Well, in Canada as an example here, this is from the Fraser Institute out in BC. They are a nonpartisan independent Canadian public policy Think Tank. And what they've come up with here the average spent on a healthcare per person in Canada is almost 50% higher than the US right now.

Jim 4:44
I am, I am sorry, but that is that is impossible. That is impossible. That is fake news. You are making up those numbers. Mr. Peterson, I am sorry, but I have to hold you accountable.

Craig 5:00
A typical Canadian family quoted the Fraser Institute Vancouver, British Columbia will pay $13,000 for healthcare in 2018. That's what the bottom line was. And it varies based on how much money you make. Now this is actual payments, people okay. This isn't the government paying on your behalf. This is the hidden taxes and the direct taxes that goes specifically for healthcare and nothing else. So we're paying 100% more than most European countries, the average, by the way, in Europe is about $5200 a year. We're paying more than 10,000. And Canadians are paying on average, almost 13,000. That's $70 less. 13,000 a year for it. And some families in Canada, if you have an income outlet of $300,000, you are paying $40,000 in taxes for your healthcare, explicitly for healthcare. So government involvement doesn't make things cheaper. Now and to top it all off, the care in Canada My mother has had a pancreas attack here, pancreatitis, and so she's up there in a hospital. Now. You're not gonna believe this, Jim and Bernie, there's no way he's gonna believe this. She spent three days on a gurney in a hallway, in the hospital, she needs an MRI, but they can't get her one. The waiting list for MRIs  is longer than some people's life expectancies that need them. This is my mother. And they're paying 50% more than we are. 

Jim 6:51
Yeah. People just don't realize, all you have to do is look at the registry of motor vehicles and say, okay, these are the people who are going to be running my healthcare. Man, seriously.

Jim 7:04
By the way, with all due respect to a lot of fine people who work for the registry, because I know fine people who work for the registry with all due respect there, though. No, no, absolutely, absolutely not.

Craig 7:16
It's the efficiency of the registry combined with the heart and soul of the IRS.

Jim 7:23
Wait a minute, that deserves a... (RIMSHOT)  Alright, let's, I  appreciate that. And that's good,

Craig 7:29 
Sorry about that. I had to say something.

Jim 7:33
No, I'm glad you did. We're so glad that you did. Now I want to talk about a couple of things and you said you had some stuff you wanted to talk about. But I want to talk about Google. I have been erasing all of my Google history and and going through all the different things. And I have noticed that I'm not getting those annoying ads for the last thing that I looked at online or the last thing I searched. And that you know, they keep telling me, Jim, this isn't, you know, it's not going to help with your suggestions, but I don't care. I know what I want. I'll look for it myself.

Craig 8:13
Yeah, it's I think this is great news. Okay. And I frankly, I think this came from Facebook, you know, staring down the highest fine ever in US history. And so what Google has been doing, they've had for a while now, controls you can go in and you can manually turn things off. That's what you've been doing. Right?

Jim 8:33 
Right. Exactly.

Craig 8:35 
Here's what they're doing right now. They will within the next couple of months here probably as early as June. You can already go to Google account. There's simple on off controls for location, history, web and app activity. But what they're adding is auto delete controls. Because if you're searching for new pair of shoes, right? A there's nothing wrong with being ads for shoes. But you don't want to see that for the next six months or whatever.

Jim 9:04
I don't. I use that example earlier. Yeah, looking for a specific kind of loafers for the summer. And it's like, okay, I already got them, I don't need the ads anymore.

Craig 9:16
Well, they're gonna have a rolling delete function, you can choose a time limit between 3 and 18 months, after which all of the data is going to be automatically deleted on a rolling basis. That I think is great. Yeah, it's a little bit of a privacy thing. It's a balance really, between absolute privacy that Apple afford you and what Google and Facebook have been doing. I think it's great. So keep an eye out for that. We'll make sure we'll let you know when, when that actually happens. So you can turn that on,

Jim 9:50
That is good. We're talking about Craig Peterson, a tech talk guru. At the end of this segment, we're going to give you a number and other than the Canadian stuff unless you want to include it in that that stuff that you texted me. He'll give you everything we talked about today and more. An d I will explain to you how to do that. Craig, Facebook, you know, I am a free marketer. Facebook, people have been talking about busting it up about the monopoly busting. First of all, I don't know how you, you do busted up if you wanted to. But what are your feelings?

Craig 10:31
Well, I think it could be for instance, they could split out things like some of the advertising, marketing, and you know, they've been buying various apps and things. There's ways to break them up. But personally, I think we've got two basic problems here. One is the government, if you're too big, you are too big to fail. And so businesses don't look at it and say, well, if we paid two billion dollars to buy this other company, that's going to hurt our cash position, or maybe it's not going to be worth it. Maybe we're going to go out of business and lose our phony baloney jobs on the board of directors. Okay. So we come in and we bail out companies. So that's the first problem. And therefore they continue to grow, grow bigger and bigger. And then the Anti Trust Act, and it comes in the government says whether or not they should be able to merge. Free market, they probably should be able to do whatever they want to do, but let them fail. Okay. Number two, the biggest problem I have right now with Facebook and many others is in Facebook is being protected by the federal government, not just from failure, like if they were really hurting financially, but they are being protected because of the way our patent laws are written now. Remember, they were rewritten not too many years back. Right? And the Constitution, they it says that Congress is supposed to promote the product, rest of science and useful arts by securing for limited times the right to their discovery, writing. Okay. So what the government's doing now is they're allowing Facebook to say, Well, you've got a business process, you've got a way of selling advertising, you've got a way of connecting families and people together, etc, etc. So the government is now enforcing the monopoly. So you can have another little Facebook come up. So right now you you've got somebody that is kicked off of Facebook, demonetized on YouTube, whatever it is. problem was, they would go to a different platform, and they'd be often running, there shouldn't be a half a dozen Facebook competitors out there right now that are doing quite well. But because of the way the patent laws are written, and they don't need to be this way, they are not conforming with the basics of what the Constitution says. But because the way they're written, Facebook can take their lawyers, can sue the company to death very, very quickly. Yeah, so they're just not bothering to try and compete. We've got to take the right to an invention, codified that in law, but an idea is not an invention. The next logical step in software is not an invention, you can tell upset about this, because I had this happened to me. I've had Microsoft do this sort of thing to friends of mine. It's a terrible thing. And it's resulting in a real bad situation in the economy for consumers.

Jim 13:30
I couldn't agree with you more. I could not agree with you more, because it's just that I think it you know, like people talk about where's the conservative Facebook? Where's that? Where's their Facebook for that? We know that when you do a Google search, there's evidence to suggest that you're going to get CNN, you're going to get CNN, New York Times, and you're going to get the Washington Post, even though those are not the sites with the most volume and that's just not fair. And there should be competition in that market. All right. We're out of time Craig but we're not out of material for the listeners. If you text my name to this number.

Craig 14:21
855-385-5553. That's 855-385-5553.

Jim 14:25
You will hear from my passionate friend Tech Talk guru Craig Peterson. And he'll provide this information to you. Standard data and text rates apply, and he will not annoy you and he won't sell your name to somebody who will try to sell you a supplement. Okay, so don't worry about it Craig, great segment. Thank you so much for your time.

Craig 14:49
Hey, thank you. I'm gonna climb down off my soapbox and get back door.

Jim 14:52
No. You get on that soapbox anytime you want a great job, Craig, thank you very much.

Craig 14:57 

Jim 14:57 
All right, a final word when we return. You're listening to the Jim Polito show, your safe space.

Craig 15:03
Whoo, I think maybe I'm finally calming down a little bit. Well, it got me going. Anyways, have a great day. We'll be back on tomorrow. Take care everybody. Bye bye.


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