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Apr 30, 2018

Can your Amazon tell you what is happening in your home? Craig and Jack had an engaging conversation about the presence of these new smart speakers that some of you have in your homes and exactly what they record and what you may be able to find out.

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Apr 26, 2018

Chinese are hacking in the United States.  Ken, Matt and Craig discuss why the FBI are interested in what Craig found at a small NH Firm this week.

Do you know how much information you share when you purchase things using apps?  Craig, Ken and Matt talk about apps and all the information that gets shared and how it may...

Apr 24, 2018

We always hear about the Big Business Hacks but Wait till you hear Craig and Jim discuss what happened to a small business in NH this week and why FBI is interested.

Do you order things online with your mobile device or smart speaker? Craig and Jim discuss how much information you give away when you use apps to purchase...

Apr 23, 2018

Small Businesses are under attack.  If you don't think so listen in as Craig and Jack discuss what happened this week to a small NH firm and why it has the FBI's attention.


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Apr 16, 2018


It has been another busy week in Technology this week.  Additionally, I had a really good webinar where I covered the 7 Deadly Cyber Threats to Small Business and what you can do.  I will be doing more of these free webinars so sign up so for my email list so I can notify you when we are having another.

