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May 30, 2020


Today Craig’s got a deep-dive into Anti-Virus software. Which should you use? What is anti-Virus’s pioneer saying? What’s the future?

  • Some of the first big worms that crawled through the internet. And hit him!
  • What it takes to be appropriately protected
  • Changes in the malware ecosystem.
  • What to do to...

May 30, 2020


Today Craig’s talking about Antivirus and what is going on with it? Why are we constantly being told to buy antivirus and to use antivirus?

  • The latest ways that the bad guys try and get into our systems
  • Typical antivirus software only looks at yesterday's threats
  • Why it can take like a month or six weeks...

May 30, 2020


Today Craig’s talking about Computer Virus and Vaccine Signature Lists and why these types of anti-virus are getting left behind in the dust, and what should you be using in this day and age?

  • Mutating malware means big trouble for antivirus software.
  • Why you must use next-generation anti-malware software.
  • He...

May 30, 2020


Today Craig’s talking about malware specifically. He will help you understand what is going on with antivirus software? Is it something you should be using? How did it get left behind in the dust, and what should you be using in this day and age?

  • Where the Internet started.
  • What is next-generation malware?

May 30, 2020


Today Craig’s got a deep-dive into whole malware virus thing. What does it mean? What is it doing?

  • How Layered Security is like Submarine Compartments
  • What are the layers that you should have on your computer, on your network?
  • What security you should be using in your business?
  • Three basic rules of...