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Aug 29, 2018

Find out how an 11-year-old girl changed the results of Florida's presidential vote as Craig talks with Matt and Joe on the WGAN Morning News.


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Aug 28, 2018

What kind of effect do video games have on gamers? Do video games make people violent?

Listen as Craig discusses the latest news story about the video game shooting in Florida with Jim Polito.

These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit -


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Looks Like Google Is Always...

Aug 27, 2018


Video Games and Tournaments are interesting.  Jack and I discussed the shooting in Jacksonville, yesterday and the effects of video gaming on the young people today, as well as some of the underlying mental health issues.

Craig is putting up a new membership site (Yes, it is free, but you have to sign up)  On it will...

Aug 24, 2018

Would you like to know about Black Hat and DEFCON? Listen in today as I explain to you some of the things that went on at these two Conferences.  

MAGAF might be the end of us?  Yes.  Today I will tell you why we must be concerned about these companies and the people they employ.

Weaponizing Satellites? I will explain...

Aug 22, 2018

Find out how one hacker stole millions as Craig discusses SIM hacking and trends at this year's DEFCON with Ken and Matt

Craig is putting up a new membership site (Yes, it is free, but you have to sign up)  On it will have all his special reports that he puts out and you will be the first to get them.

These and more...